Speaking Engagements

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Emil Ali was featured in a podcast episode of Legal Talk Network regarding IP Ethics and “A day at the movies”

Emil Ali, in his first appearance on the Legal Toolkit podcast, stops by a chat with Jared about the unique challenges and worrying trends in IP ethics. Oh, what’s that? You’re not an IP attorney? Well, you’d be surprised how many non-IP attorneys get hit with these very much not trivial penalties. Check out the […]

Emil Ali was featured in a podcast episode of Legal Talk Network regarding IP Ethics and “A day at the movies” Read More »

Seoul Asia Pacific Conference for ABA

Mike Speaking on Avoiding Sanctions at the USPTO at ABA International Law Section Fall Conference in South Korea

Mike will be moderating a panel of expert patent attorneys from the United States and Korea on developing issues at the USPTO regarding foreign associate practices and sanctions that have been imposed on owners of trademark and patent rights.  Featuring speakers Thomas J. Kowalski (Duane Morris), William Park (WPA Law Firm), and Kyle J. Choi

Mike Speaking on Avoiding Sanctions at the USPTO at ABA International Law Section Fall Conference in South Korea Read More »

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Mike Co-Authored Dibble Dabble Double Trouble: Mitigating the Risks of Dabbling in Your Law Practice

Mike co-authored Dibble Dabble Double Trouble: Mitigating the Risks of Dabbling in Your Law Practice, published by In Practice . . . With CNA – A Practitioner’s Perspective on Emerging Legal Trends (Issue 3, June 2023).  Co-authored with Tracy L. Kepler, Risk Control Consulting Director for CNA’s Lawyer Professional Liability program. This work presents the

Mike Co-Authored Dibble Dabble Double Trouble: Mitigating the Risks of Dabbling in Your Law Practice Read More »

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Mike Presented Risk, Regulation & Resilience: Sound Strategies for Your IP Practice

Mike presented on a panel discussion on risk management strategies for protecting intellectual property practitioners from ethics and malpractice risks.  The two-hour webinar was a joint presentation of Continental Casualty Company (CNA) and Herbert L. Jamison and Company (Jamison).

Mike Presented Risk, Regulation & Resilience: Sound Strategies for Your IP Practice Read More »

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Mike Presented Recent Ethics Enforcement Trends in Patent and Trademark Matters Before the USPTO to Boston IPLA 3rd Annual Symposium

Mike presented on ethics and disciplinary trends for patent and trademark attorneys for the Boston Intellectual Property Law Association 3rd Annual Symposium.  Mike addressed multiple topics of interest including: Conflicts of interest in IP Knowing your IP client Duties of pre-filing investigations under 37 CFR 11.18 Unauthorized practice of law and the U.S. Counsel Rule

Mike Presented Recent Ethics Enforcement Trends in Patent and Trademark Matters Before the USPTO to Boston IPLA 3rd Annual Symposium Read More »

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