In the News


Emil was quote in IAM regarding the USPTO’s Data Breach

Emil J. Ali was quoted in IAM’s article regarding the Impact of the USPTO’s Latest Data Breach. Read More:

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Mike’s Insights on Verein Conflicts in Legal Malpractice Published in Law.Com

Mike was quoted on February 26, 2024, in’s article, “One Firm or Separate Entities? Vereins’ Growth Bumps into Conflicts, Liability Concerns.”  Mike discussed the legal malpractice and conflicts of interest risks for attorneys operating in megafirms, such as Baker McKenzie, which structure themselves as Swiss Vereins.

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Emil Ali was featured in a podcast episode of Legal Talk Network regarding IP Ethics and “A day at the movies”

Emil Ali, in his first appearance on the Legal Toolkit podcast, stops by a chat with Jared about the unique challenges and worrying trends in IP ethics. Oh, what’s that? You’re not an IP attorney? Well, you’d be surprised how many non-IP attorneys get hit with these very much not trivial penalties. Check out the […]

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Mike Was Quoted in Law.Com Regarding Coke’s Attempt to Disqualify Paul Hastings

Mike was quoted on May 3. 2023, in Law.Com on Coca Cola’s attempt to disqualify Paul Hastings and the legal effectiveness of an advanced conflicts waiver.  The district court subsequently denied Coke’s motion and found the advanced waiver valid and effective.  Read more here.

Emil was Quoted in CommonWealth Magazine Regarding the Rollins Scandal

Emil was quoted on ethics issues with respect to Former US Attorney Rachael Rollins. Read more here 


Emil was quoted in Bloomberg Law regarding the DOJ OIG Report and the potential impact on the Former U.S. Attorney   “I think the bar is very likely to take some action here to enforce the idea that everyone is held accountable—even the people at the top,” said Emil Ali, who counsels attorneys accused of misconduct and teaches legal ethics at Lewis & Clark Law School. “A prosecutor’s job is to uphold the law, […]

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Emil Quoted in Bloomberg Law Regarding transparency at the USPTO related to Whistleblower allegations   “The USPTO is going to struggle, from their ethics perspective, to allow practitioners to understand that they should have faith in the process and the agency, when the way ethics is dealt out at the USPTO is, ‘Do as I say, not as I do,’” said Emil J. Ali, a partner at McCabe & […]

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Emil Quoted in Law360 about Transparency at the USPTO after the PTAB-Fitzpatrick decision   Emil Ali, a lawyer who helped write the office’s Rules of Professional Conduct and who now consults practitioners on ethics issues under his own shingle at McCabe Ali LLP, told Law360 that he doesn’t think the office should appeal. “I think it’s very possible they will appeal it. But I would hope that […]

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Emil J. Ali quoted in Law360 about the ABA’s new Formal Opinion 505

Law360 (May 3, 2023, 4:48 PM EDT) — A committee of the American Bar Association issued new guidance Wednesday on the ethical obligations surrounding retainers and prepaid attorney fees, offering guardrails to protect clients from paying nonrefundable fees for unearned legal work.  Read more behind paywall –  

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Emil Quoted in Law360 re ChatGPT

Emil was quoted in Law360 Emil spoke about the ethics issues related to ChatGPT.   According to IP ethics attorney Emil J. Ali of McCabe & Ali LLP, while attorneys may seemingly rely on informed consent to use cloud computing, many engagement letters still warn clients of the use of smart devices, cloud computing, and […]


Emil J. Ali Quoted in Bloomberg Law regarding Patent Judge Reforms

Emil Ali was quoted in a July 2022 article regarding the independent of patent judges at the PTAB. See more at

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Emil J. Ali Quoted in Reuters Story About Tom Girardi Bar Charges

Emil J. Ali was quoted in a legal news story about the State Bar of California’s recent disciplinary charges against Tom Girardi.  Read more at  

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